Ooyala Flex 6.1.3 Release Notes 2018-01-25

Ooyala Flex 6.1.3 Release Notes 2018-01-25


Ooyala Flex 6.1.3 is a maintenance release to fix issues found in production.

Issues Fixed

MAM: PM Workflows Starting in the AM Instead

Users were unable to schedule timed actions because the time was displaying incorrectly in MAM. MAM automatically uses the timezone that is set for the machine being used. This sometimes meant that workflows were triggered at the wrong time.   

Example: A user would schedule a workflow to launch at 4PM in the Schedule Date field, but the Schedule button would show the launch as being at 4AM instead.

Resolution:  The Schedule button now displays the correct time.


Service Version Notes
flex-admin-app 2.0.512
flex-authentication-service 7.5.357.1
flex-authorisation-service 22.3.370
flex-dataagreggation-service 1.4.377
flex-divarchive-service 2.1.436
flex-events-service 2.7.411
flex-fastobject-service 3.4.495
flex-forms-service 0.0.283
flex-imageproxy-service 3.2.356
flex-indexelastic-service 5.10.508
flex-mam-app 4.6.1464.1
flex-metadatadesigner-app 2.2.1298
flex-metadatamerge-service 2.3.424.1
flex-outboundtransfer-service 2.0.310
flex-publish-service 10.3.503.9
flex-reviewer-app 3.1.554
flex-searchelastic-service 5.2.680
flex-streamprocessor-service 1.1.101
flex-subtitle-service 1.0.182
flex-tag-service 1.0.856
flex-thesaurus-service 0.1.875
flex-webtransfer-app 7.0.685
flex-workflowdesigner-app 7.1.277