Additional Information

Setting default tile thumbnails

Collections, edits, image assets, and group assets are assigned a default image for visualization. You can set a default for the account. To define a custom image:

  1. In the top right corner, click on the user profile:

  2. From the drop-down, click Settings:

  3. The Settings page is displayed. Select Custom Style:

  4. The default thumbnail for each tile is displayed. Click the Set image for link under the chosen tile:

  5. A pop up for the image upload is displayed:

  6. Select or drag the file to set as the default, then click Upload.

  7. This image is now updated on all the relevant tiles:

  8. To reset the default image, select the Reset image link under the respective tile. The tiles are uploaded with the MAM default image:

If you have Theme permission, you can choose which carousel is displayed as default on the browse page. Under Settings, a Preset Selections tab is displayed:

Click this tab to display a list of available carousels, then select the one to use as default:

The chosen carousel is now displayed at the top of the MAM screen.

Screen Resolution

The minimum browser window resolution for MAM is 1366 x 768.