Web Transfer Variables

When a workflow is launched by an Inbox the variables listed in this page will be injected into the workflow context. These variables can be used to configure actions that have runtime expression evaluation enabled as follows: ${variables.[vaiableName]} (e.g. ${variables.resourceItemName}).

Variables Type Description
externalFilePath String The file path of file in the inbox
externalFileName String The file name of file in the inbox
variant String The name of the variant used for the file being uploaded.
metadata String A JSON string representation of the metadata entered by the user in the form in the Web-Transfer tool.
metadataDefinition Object The metadata definition used to display the metadata form in Transfer when uploading the file.
metadataDefinitionId String The ID of the root metadata variable used to display the metadata form in Transfer when uploading the file.
resource Object The inbox resource that the file was uploaded to. This is the source resource for any subsequent import.
resourceItemName String The name of the file in the inbox resource (typically the same as externalFileName ). This is the source file name for any subsequent import.

The resource variable is an Object variable representing the hot-folder resource. The properties of this object can be access using variable dot notation. For example, in order to access the resource id you can use the following expression ${variables.resource.id}.